All it takes is one person to give permission for others to begin to join in resetting balances.

Plant one native seed, observe the connection between that plant, and it's hosted native life..and you will find connection again with our place and purpose as stewards of nature.

Fellabees and Nativeseeds

Fellabees is a concept created with the thought that we all have the potential to be stewards of nature, or more commonly known here as Fellow Bees.

Just like all social species, our ability as a super-organism is coded deeply into our genetic structure and reveals itself to be to our long-term sustainable benefit when we coordinate and amplify our individual strengths in a focused spectrum of effort and energy.

What that really means is, “Many hands, make light work”

The social native bee colony can have various and unique social structures that determines every aspect of their survival that is adaptable and fluid. Doing so is flexible for all factors that benefit their continuance as a species. It is the act of growing beyond just mere survival, because it creates opportunities that play into the delicate yet critical balances.

This wise instinctual approach truly measures all our combined value derived from the earth we all come from…but also what is given back in that perpetual equilibrium that touches all facets, balances all factors to become dynamically entwined into a kind of synergy that when guided, intentionally begins to fuse all extraneous threads into the ball of yarn that is life on our planet.

Here at Fellabees and Nativeseeds it is our overarching goal to educate ourselves and others while building our natural knowledge upon the genius web of natives within nature, not just for ourselves, but for generations beyond ours who may never know our names, or our current ecological strains, as they embrace a world that we've restored, cared for and loved rather than slowly dismantled and destroyed.